First class services

Fully guaranteed services

Fully qualified professionals

Phone repairs in South West London

Need tablet or phone repair services? Contact Blair Enterprise today. We serve customers in London.

Tablet and gaming console repairs

If your tablet or gaming console needs an upgrade, look no further than Blair Enterprise. We repair and upgrade tablets, phones, gaming consoles, laptops, printers and other electronic items. Most of our customers choose us for the quality services we provide. Speak to a member of our team to share your requirements.

We offer the following repair services:

  • Screen replacements
  • Charging socket repairs
  • Cable replacements
  • Swift and reliable console repairs

    At Blair Enterprise, we provide efficient console repairs at great prices. Our technicians will ensure that the issue in your electronic item is fixed as soon as possible. Contact us for further information.

    For phone or tablet repairs, call us on
    020 8765 4810